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Get Transactions

Base Url:
Endpoint: /getTransactions

Tracking all transactions in an application can be a pain, particularly when those transactions are across chains or token pairs. This endpoint enables you to easily return full transaction paths and user data for all transactions processed by your application.

Transactions are grouped by application ID and by Org. Each app ID corresponds to a unique API key, and keys are grouped by org so that you can easily pull data across individual apps. You can find your app ID in the dashboard of the Developer Console by clicking on the Details button listed in the app actions. Your API KEY only allows you to pull transactions from your applications.

Requests are rate limited to 1000 transactions. For additional transactions, use the parameters below to paginate through requests.

Query Parameters

pageHandles request pagination.ChainIdfalse1
limitLimits the number of transactions returned.numberfalse100
appIdApplication identifier. If omitted, returns transactions for all apps in the `organization.stringfalseIf omitted, returns txs for all apps in org.
periodStartStart of the period for transaction query.bigintfalseDefaults to 100 most recent txs.
periodEndEnd of the period for transaction query.bigintfalseDefaults to 100 most recent txs.

Sample Request

Node Fetch
  const queryParams = new URLSearchParams({
    periodStart: 1707300000,
    periodEnd: 1707351111
  const options = { method: 'GET', headers: { 'x-api-key': `${process.env.DECENT_API_KEY}` }}
  fetch(`{queryParams}`, options)
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(response => console.log(response))
    .catch(err => console.error(err));

Response Schema

Please refer to Transaction Types for a detailed breakout of the transaction response schema. Transactions include key data used to call the transaction, identify its sender, and confirm receipt of each leg of the transaction's journey.

  srcTx: SrcTx,
  bridgeTx: {
    fast: BridgeTxLZ | null,
    canonical: BridgeTxOrbit | null, // Expect to add additional types with canonical bridges from other chain stacks
    multiHop: 'fast' | 'canonical' | false // The type of the first bridge in the transaction will be listed here to denote order.
    success: boolean
  } | null,
  dstTx: {
    fast: DstTxFast | null
    canonical: DstTxCanonical | null,
    success: boolean | null
  } | null,